Volunteer Agreement & Code of Conduct

Agreement Confirmation Statement

I understand that any breach of the procedures as stated here can result in termination as a volunteer and may also result in the Salisbury Police Department being called to determine if criminal activity has occurred.

Additionally, I understand and accept the content of the “Civil Rights Training” flyer shown below as required by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Food Distribution Division. As a volunteer, I will be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all records and information acquired. Also, while working with USDA; unloading, pre-packing or distributing USDA to clients, I understand, in accordance with Federal Law and USDA policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, political or religious beliefs. I agree to conduct myself in accordance with this requirement and any violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Civil Rights Training Flyer Page 1 of 2
Civil Rights Training Flyer Page 2 of 2

Code of Conduct combines Rowan Helping Ministries’ commitment to the volunteer as well as the volunteers promise of exemplary conduct at Rowan Helping Ministries:

  • To provide a mutually agreed upon job assignment, training, and feedback so that you feel confident in your ability to fulfill your volunteer responsibilities.
  • To respect your skills and ideas about how we might better accomplish our mission to break the cycle of crisis for our Rowan County neighbors in need.
  • To provide a designated area for volunteer breaks and eating of snacks or lunch brought from home.
  • To provide all Rowan Helping Ministries’ volunteers the opportunity to eat a complimentary lunch, with shelter guests and neighbors, in Jeannie’s Kitchen in the Robertson-Stanback Center.
  • To be a positive liaison between Rowan Helping Ministries and the community.
  • To perform your volunteer duties to the best of your ability, according to policies and procedures.
  • To maintain the confidentiality of all information acquired while serving as a volunteer.
  • To treat all clients equally showing neither favoritism nor avoidance of difficult clients or guests.
  • To be dependable and provide adequate notice when you need to be absent.
  • To accept no monetary compensation, services, or assistance related to your volunteer work.
  • To receive no authorized client services (financial, food or clothing) during your volunteer shift.
  • To maintain a high standard of hygiene and grooming.
  • To not eat or drink liquids (other than bottled water), at assigned work areas.
  • To always let your supervisor know before taking a break or lunch.
  • To smoke in designated areas only, away from all entrances, and to discard in fire-safe receptacles.
  • To pursue no personal relationships with clients or guests.
  • To dress in a manner that reflects good taste and takes into consideration the position and frequency of public contact. Low-cut necklines or exposed shoulders are not appropriate. Wear comfortable closed shoes in areas outside of admin offices.
  • To never provide transportation of clients, guests, or their belongings in your personal vehicle. Rowan Helping Ministries cannot assume that liability or allow its employees, or volunteers—including the Board of Directors—to assume that liability.


Additionally, you understand legal action may be taken against you for any of the following prohibited activities:

Removal of Rowan Helping Ministries Resources – donated or otherwise– from any Rowan Helping Ministries’ campus, facility or outreach program location for personal use or the personal use of others. This includes expired foods or food items determined to be of little nutritional value, as well as out of season clothing or other donated items that may not be useable in any Rowan Helping Ministries programs or services.

  • Drugs – The illegal use, sale, distribution, or possession of narcotics, drugs, drug paraphernalia.
  • Alcohol.
  • Weapons – The possession of, use of, or threat to use any firearm, knife, or other implement.
  • Sexual Activity – Engagement in or solicitation for engagement in sexual activity of any kind.
  • Abusive Language.
  • Harassment or threats of bodily harm.
  • Misuse of Physical Property – The willful misuse, abuse, destruction or theft of any property of Rowan Helping Ministries or its guests, clients, staff or volunteers. This includes computer data, written records or copies of files and/or information on clients or guests. Client or guest information is confidential and the property of Rowan Helping Ministries.
  • Solicitation – No individual on Rowan Helping Ministries’ property should be solicited for funds, assistance or favors. Those needing assistance may apply for it through the appropriate Rowan Helping Ministries program.
  • Civil Rights Protections – You understand and accept the info sheet “Civil Rights Training” as required by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Food Distribution Division. As a volunteer, you will be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all records and information acquired. Also, while working with USDA; unloading, pre-packing or distributing USDA to clients, you understand, in accordance with Federal Law and USDA policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, political or religious beliefs.

You agree to conduct yourself in accordance with this requirement and any violation will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

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