On Thursday, November 21, Rowan Helping Ministries will present FEED THE NEED, an exciting fundraising event for our Food Programs that will truly “feed the need” that exists in Rowan County.
You’re invited to join us for music, food , and fellowship at F & M Trolley Barn, 125 E Liberty St, in Salisbury from 5:30-9 p.m.
Tickets are $70 and we also have sponsorship opportunities!
2024 Feed The Need Sponsorship Benefits
$70 single ticket purchase
Snack Sponsorship: $250 – $499
Includes 2 complimentary tickets and
Listing on signage at event and social media.
Breakfast Sponsorship: $500-$999
Includes 4 complimentary tickets and
Listing on signage at event and social media.
Lunch Sponsorship: $1,000-$2,499
Includes 6 complimentary tickets and
Listing on signage at event and social media.
Dinner Sponsorship: $2,500-$4,999
Includes 8 complimentary tickets,
4 raffle tickets, and
Listing on signage at event and social media.
Sustainer Sponsorship: $5,000-$9,999
Includes 10 complimentary tickets,
5 raffle tickets,
Opportunity for reserved seating at event, and
Listing on signage at event and social media.
Benefactor Sponsorship: $10,000+
Includes 12 complimentary tickets,
6 raffle tickets,
Opportunity for reserved seating at event,
Listing on signage at event, and
Recognition through social media and local news.
If you are interested in sponsoring this year’s event, please contact Jessica Randolph at 704-637-6838 ext. 100 or email jrandolph@rowanhelpingministries.org.